This endpoint allows you to retrieve the data for a single course.
Data Definitions
Data Type
id | Message body | VitalSource identifier for the course | integer | 12345678910 | No | Yes |
tenant_id | Message body | VitalSource identifier for the school | integer | 12345678910 | No | Yes |
term_id | Message body | VitalSource identifier for the term the course is a part of. Terms are not always used, this will vary by LMS. | integer | 12345678910 | No | Yes |
name | Message body | VitalSource name for the course, often sourced from the LTI context_id | string | eou1e5vbkw0ag2j3xyc8 | No | Yes |
title | Message body | LMS course title / LTI context_title, may not be unique per course | string | English 101 - Introduction to English Literature | No | Yes |
label | Message body | LMS course label / LTI context_label, may not be unique per course | string | FA2019-ENGL-101-001 | No | Yes |
lms_context_id | Message body | LTI context_id, unique per course | string | 01fmc37hw81p4hq3u8jl | No | Yes |
sis_id | Message body | SIS course identifier | string | FA2019ENGL101001123456 | No | Yes |
lms_course_id | Message body | Course identifier specific to the LMS platform, may vary by LMS | string |
a3op0bfsci5hfzzg6nko |
No | Yes |
start_date | Message body | Course start date | date | YYYY-MM-DD | No | Yes |
end_date | Message body | Course end date | date | YYYY-MM-DD | No | Yes |
census_date | Message body | Date marking the end of the add/drop period, used for determining when add/drop licenses should be issued | date | YYYY-MM-DD | No | Yes |
opt_out_date | Message body | Date marking the end of the add/drop period, used for determining when the opt in/opt out toggle should be available to students in the Launch UI | date | YYYY-MM-DD | No | Yes |
active | Message body | Used to indicate if a course is active or not. Courses become inactive after the end_date has passed. If no end_date is available, courses become inactive 45 days after the last student LTI launch from the course | boolean | true | No | Yes |
created_at | Message body | The date the course was created in the VitalSource system | ISO-8601 date/time | 2018-12-04T15:59:59Z | No | Yes |
updated_at | Message body | The date the course was last updated in the VitalSource system | ISO-8601 date/time | 2018-12-04T15:59:59Z | No | Yes |
Request Headers
Accept: application/json
Content-type: application/json
Response Body
Successful Response Code and Message
HTTP: 200 OK
Error Codes
HTTP Status
401 | Unauthorized | The API key provided is not associated with any LTI integration |
404 | Not found | the id provided does not correspond to any existing course |
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