GET v4/courses/:id - Course

This endpoint allows you to retrieve the data for a single course.



Data Definitions

Data Type
id Message body VitalSource identifier for the course integer 12345678910 No Yes
tenant_id Message body VitalSource identifier for the school integer 12345678910 No Yes
term_id Message body VitalSource identifier for the term the course is a part of. Terms are not always used, this will vary by LMS. integer 12345678910 No Yes
name Message body VitalSource name for the course, often sourced from the LTI context_id string eou1e5vbkw0ag2j3xyc8 No Yes
title Message body LMS course title / LTI context_title, may not be unique per course string English 101 - Introduction to English Literature No Yes
label Message body LMS course label / LTI context_label, may not be unique per course string FA2019-ENGL-101-001 No Yes
lms_context_id Message body LTI context_id, unique per course string 01fmc37hw81p4hq3u8jl No Yes
sis_id Message body SIS course identifier string FA2019ENGL101001123456 No Yes
lms_course_id Message body Course identifier specific to the LMS platform, may vary by LMS string


No Yes
start_date Message body Course start date date YYYY-MM-DD No Yes
end_date Message body Course end date date YYYY-MM-DD No Yes
census_date Message body Date marking the end of the add/drop period, used for determining when add/drop licenses should be issued date YYYY-MM-DD No Yes
opt_out_date Message body Date marking the end of the add/drop period, used for determining when the opt in/opt out toggle should be available to students in the Launch UI date YYYY-MM-DD No Yes
active Message body Used to indicate if a course is active or not. Courses become inactive after the end_date has passed. If no end_date is available, courses become inactive 45 days after the last student LTI launch from the course boolean true No Yes
created_at Message body The date the course was created in the VitalSource system ISO-8601 date/time 2018-12-04T15:59:59Z No Yes
updated_at Message body The date the course was last updated in the VitalSource system ISO-8601 date/time 2018-12-04T15:59:59Z No Yes


Request Headers

Accept: application/json
Content-type: application/json


Response Body


    "id": 5260876,
    "tenant_id": 1023,
    "term_id": 100349,
    "name": "Tarot Card Reading I",
    "title": "Tarot Card Reading I",
    "label": "jn_053216_109912",
    "lms_context_id": "18342",
    "sis_id": "001443282",
    "lms_course_id": "006b38dc4706c247a3318acef171ef9b1d985f7713a",
    "start_date": "2016-08-24",
    "end_date": "2016-12-05",
    "census_date": "2016-09-05",
    "out_out_date": "2016-09-04",
    "active": true,
    "created_at": "2018-12-04T15:59:59Z",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-04T15:59:59Z"

Successful Response Code and Message

HTTP: 200 OK

Error Codes

HTTP Status
401 Unauthorized The API key provided is not associated with any LTI integration
404 Not found the id provided does not correspond to any existing course
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